Striving for Excellence in Spirituality, Morality and Education
Darun Na’im Academy has been established to fulfil the needs of the youth of the ummah (Muslim community) which could not be met by the secular schooling system in the country
DNA’s story is remarkable! It had humble beginnings and was started in 2009 as a labour of love with a very firm intention and goal. The initial plan was for 3 families to join forces, share their knowledge and expertise and educate their children in an environment where they would imbibe an Islamic ethos and promote its values.
The importance of ensuring the moral training of their children, was the driving force and main motivator as the families were determined to protect their children for as long as they could, as well as secure a quality academic education which was a priority too. The teaching environment would be more of a home school… but as The Almighty willed, the families were guided down a path that would culminate in the establishment of a bona fide school!
The school started out small with very basic equipment, on an extremely low budget and was initially housed in two rooms at the masjid complex. However, with a very strong will to succeed, and through the grace of Allah SWT, word of the new “school” spread and the school grew and grew.
DNA is registered with the Department of Education and is fully accredited by UMALUSI. It has made many wonderful strides over the past few years and has grown from 12 learners in 2009 to over 100 learners since then.
DNA has acquired lovely premises that is conducive to a positive learning environment and the safety of our learners.
2012 saw its first sitting of the Matric external exams, where we achieved a 100% pass and have achieved 100% pass ever since Alhamdulillah (All praise is due to God)!
The school has an excellent academic record as well as a very comprehensive and inclusive Islamic studies curriculum.
Our staff is made up of passionate individuals who are very committed to the upliftment of our learners and they serve as good role models to them, Alhamdulillah (All praise is due to God).
DNA is a small independent school where the well-being, moral training and nurturing of our learners is our priority.
Amīna Bagus-du Toit