Entries by zaheed


Valedictory 2021

Valedictory ceremony 2021Class of 2021, together you shone. Unity was your strength. Co-operation your skill.  Masking your disputes and differences, your talent.You became a whole because of individual attributes and contributions.A is for Aneeqa: Audacious and animated Y is for Yusrah B: Bright and boldZ is for Zahraa: Zesty and zero tolerance for rule breakingA is […]


End of Term 3

Just like that T3 is over! Is it my imagination or has T3 gone by faster than usual? T3 has been exceptionally busy for educators and learners alike, and we are so grateful for the short break which will allow us to recharge and re-energise before an even busier T4, Alhamdulillah.We thank Allah SWT for giving […]


Heritage day 2021

We celebrate our heritage and traditions that make us uniquely South African Muslims.South African Muslims can trace their heritage to communities spanning the globe from west to east.Our distinct culture is a melting pot of colours, ethnicities, languages and foods.This diversity makes us stronger and tells the story of struggle and triumph.Our Islamic heritage reminds […]


DNA showing solidarity with Palestine

A call to action came from the senior learners at our school. They too wanted an opportunity to show support and solidarity  with Palestine and the oppressed. They were determined to be seen raising their Palestinian flags and placards, to be  contributing in a small way to ease the plight of their bretheren who live […]


Boys’ school activities

DNA Boys being their best by taking their learning seriously and enjoying some outside activities under the watchful eye of Moulana Yunus Keraan


Class of 2020, 100% pass rate!

It is with extreme gratitude, humility and joy that I share our achievement of 100% pass in the 2020 NSC… Alhamdulillah thumma Alhamdulillah!Thank you to my incredible staff, our amazing learners and their supportive parents, who all share in this success!May The Almighty accept our efforts and striving and may our learners be flag bearers […]


2021 Theme: Health and fitness

The one life and one body we have been given is a trust and gift from The Almighty, therefore this gift must be treasured and treated well.For many, COVID 19 highlighted the importance of being healthy, as the most vulnerable to the virus were those with poor health.So 2021, has given us the opportunity to […]


Back to school 2021

1st day back at school joy!!!We are grateful and thrilled to have our learners back. Wishing them a wonderful year ahead.


Grade 12 Valedictory 2020

Valedictory ’20!  Sending our girls off in an unusual style but all to keep them safe.Wishing our girls and ALL the class of ’20 well and every success for the NSC and the future. You are the hope of our future. You carry our dreams.  You have the ability to bring about change. You have […]

Term 4

Term 4 begins…..I write this message filled with excitement at the prospect of a new beginning; with gratitude for more opportunities to inspire; with the hope of igniting the sparks of curiosity and learning; with relief that this very unusual and challenging year is drawing to a close and with complete humility in Allah’s grace […]