Term 4
Term 4 begins…..
I write this message filled with excitement at the prospect of a new beginning; with gratitude for more opportunities to inspire; with the hope of igniting the sparks of curiosity and learning; with relief that this very unusual and challenging year is drawing to a close and with complete humility in Allah’s grace and mercy…. Alhamdulillah.
With the ability given to us by Allah; the privilege of our independence; the dedication of an amazing staff; the guidance of the WCED; the positive and sincere support of parents AND the eager willingness of our wonderful learners to learn… It therefore behoves us to ensure our learners complete their academic year in a befitting manner ensuring their readiness for their new grades in 2021.
May Allah swt grant us the ability to complete the year in a positive and beautiful manner.May HE swt place barakah in our time and make our tasks easy and above all may HE swt protect us all…āmīn.
Jazakallah khair
Amīna Bagus-du Toit .