Valedictory ceremony 2021
Class of 2021, together you shone. Unity was your strength. Co-operation your skill. Masking your disputes and differences, your talent.You became a whole because of individual attributes and contributions.
A is for Aneeqa: Audacious and animated
Y is for Yusrah B: Bright and bold
Z is for Zahraa: Zesty and zero tolerance for rule breaking
A is for Aasiyah: amicable and potential agitator
A is for Ammaarah E: approachable and adorable
E is for Emaan: Easy-going and eager
Z is for Zainab J: Zippy and judicious
Z is for Zainab O: obliging and offbeat
K is Khairunisa: kind and knotty
Y is for Yusrah W: wacky and witty
A is for Aaliyah: agreeable and able
H is for Haadiyah: honest and helpful
S is for Sumayah: skilled and sharp
N is for Naulah R: Noble and reliable
A is for Ammaarah R: affable and absent-minded
R is for Rayghaanah: reliable and rational
B is for Baadiyah: bright and balanced
S is for Saarah: sweet and strong
So dear class of 2021… off into the future you go. Your minds filled with academic knowledge eager to acquire more and share your skills with others. Your hearts brimming with compassion, patience, understanding, kindness, humility and faith. We are sad to say goodbye but grateful that our paths have crossed and hopeful for what you will become.
Strive to bring joy and comfort to those you meet on your journey through life because when you serve and uplift others….you will find contentment and joy.
My Dearest girls … your education is only beginning.Live in this world with an open heart to embrace others with compassion; live in this world with an open mind willing to learn new things; live in this world to end oppression; live in this world with a grateful heart and live in this world with open eyes to see the splendours of Allah’s creation.
May the best of your deeds be the last of your deeds and may the best of your days be the day you meet Allah.
Your Headmistress 🌷
Just like that T3 is over! Is it my imagination or has T3 gone by faster than usual? T3 has been exceptionally busy for educators and learners alike, and we are so grateful for the short break which will allow us to recharge and re-energise before an even busier T4, Alhamdulillah.
We thank Allah SWT for giving us the strength and ability to overcome the new and additional challenges that school communities must face under the trying conditions of COVID and lockdown.
We are grateful to have a very supportive, concerned, and cooperative parent body as our strength lies in our teamwork and mutual respect.
Lastly, I must give a shout out to my staff who are amazing! I feel blessed to be part of this incredible team Alhamdulillah.
Enjoy the short break DNA family and friends
Amīna Bagus-du Toit Headmistress 🌷
We celebrate our heritage and traditions that make us uniquely South African Muslims.
South African Muslims can trace their heritage to communities spanning the globe from west to east.
Our distinct culture is a melting pot of colours, ethnicities, languages and foods.This diversity makes us stronger and tells the story of struggle and triumph.Our Islamic heritage reminds us to be respectful and tolerant of others and to uplift our communities by being the best versions of ourselves.Our tradition is one of love for humanity.
“There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, or of a non-Arab over an Arab, and no superiority of a white person over a black person or of a black person over a white person, except on the basis of personal piety and righteousness.” Prophet Muhammad PBUH
DNA is proudly South African
#dnaunity #DNAfamily #dnaheritageday
A call to action came from the senior learners at our school. They too wanted an opportunity to show support and solidarity with Palestine and the oppressed. They were determined to be seen raising their Palestinian flags and placards, to be contributing in a small way to ease the plight of their bretheren who live under a violent occupation.So, on Friday 21st May 2021… the day that a “cease” fire was declared between Israel and Hamas, we took our 2nd stand.
What does a cease fire mean, I asked my learners when we met in class later that day.
“No more bombs”, one of them offered.”No more shooting”, said another.”No more war”, declared another.
Yes, that is true, I told my learners.. the open violence, terror and aggression has temporarily ceased, but the occupation and devastation continues.
It was important for the learners to understand that the cease fire hasn’t brought about any changes in the lives of Palestinians living under occupation, it has merely given the Palestinians a small reprieve.
Hardly had the cease fire been in effect, when Israeli soldiers stormed Al Aqsa and fired tear gas and rubber bullets at worshippers on Friday.
This action, I told my learners is a clear indication of Israels lack of respect for Palestinians and international law. It was also evidence of how fragile and volatile the situation is.
With emotions high amongst the learners and their awareness improved on the situation in Palestinian, I asked them what we could do to change the situation… to help the Palestinians?
●”Pray”.. was the 1st answer shouted out.Yes, I said. Definitely! Prayer is powerful and is the weapon of a believer.
What else can we do, I encouraged…
●”Raise awareness of the situation”, “use our social media platforms”… were other suggestions.The learners, being generation Z, understand the the destructive potential of social media, however they are fully aware of its power, influence and the opportunities it creates to influence positively and spread the truth.
●”We can raise money and donate”, proposed a very compassionate young learner.The importance of financially supporting people in need is an integral part of our faith and it is beautiful to see young people having that consciousness and willingness to serve.
●”boycott companies and goods that support Israeli oppressive policies”, was another important offering.
We must be responsible and selective of how and where we spend our money.Buying power can change regimes as we saw with South African Apartheid policies.
These young learners who will one day enter the world of work need to be consciousness of how they will spend their hard earned money.
Boycotting certain products and companies was a topic that caused some unease, as the learners became aware to the fact that many of their favourite brands had Palestinian “blood” on their hands.
These companies and products were not confined to food and clothing, but to the entertainment industry too.The movies, music, pop culture and even influencers are deeply connected to the support of Isreal and it’s oppression.
“Are we prepared to sacrifice our pleasures to support the Palestinian cause”, I asked them?I left them to reflect on that…
Lastly, I wanted them to understand that all of the suggestions they had made, as wonderful as they were, would have no impact if we did not change our actions and behaviour.
As Muslims, I told them, our actions impact the environment and people around us… good actions bring good conditions and vice versa. Crying and protesting for Palestine will be in vain if we do not take care to live according to the beautiful principles of our faith.It is through good actions that we earn Allah’s pleasure, forgiveness, mercy and help… Alhamdulillah.”And is the ummah not in need of Allah’s help now more than ever?”
The conversations in my lessons on Friday morning were powerful, meaningful thought provoking, confrontational and reflective. I was so acutely aware of the intelligence and thoughtfulness of these young people who have huge potential masha Allah.Their show of solidarity, raising funds and awareness as well as their sacrifice of their pleasures, if done with the correct intentions, will contribute towards bringing change insha-Allah… I encouraged them… and perhaps, just perhaps, they will be the generation that lives to see the change….Allahuma āmīn.
Amīna Bagus-du Toit Headmistress 🌷
#dnaunity #ummah #dnagratitudejourney #Palestine #Aqsa #savesheikhjarrah
DNA Boys being their best by taking their learning seriously and enjoying some outside activities under the watchful eye of Moulana Yunus Keraan
It is with extreme gratitude, humility and joy that I share our achievement of 100% pass in the 2020 NSC… Alhamdulillah thumma Alhamdulillah!
Thank you to my incredible staff, our amazing learners and their supportive parents, who all share in this success!
May The Almighty accept our efforts and striving and may our learners be flag bearers of our beautiful faith… āmīn.
Amīna Bagus-du Toit Headmistress
The one life and one body we have been given is a trust and gift from The Almighty, therefore this gift must be treasured and treated well.For many, COVID 19 highlighted the importance of being healthy, as the most vulnerable to the virus were those with poor health.So 2021, has given us the opportunity to focus on improving our physical health as well as our mental and of course spiritual health… Alhamdulillah.Join the DNA family as we strive to improve our health and well-being and in doing, so show gratitude to our Creator.Top benefits of keeping fit and healthy:
●Reduces your dementia risk. …
●Decreases your osteoporosis risk. …
●Prevents muscle loss. …
●Improves digestion. …
●Reduces stress, depression and anxiety. …
●Reduces cancer risk. …
●Improves your skin…
●Enhances mental performance and work productivity…
●Improves general well-being
Amīna Bagus-du Toit Headmistress
1st day back at school joy!!!We are grateful and thrilled to have our learners back. Wishing them a wonderful year ahead.
Valedictory ’20!
Sending our girls off in an unusual style but all to keep them safe.
Wishing our girls and ALL the class of ’20 well and every success for the NSC and the future.
You are the hope of our future.
You carry our dreams.
You have the ability to bring about change.
You have the power to make a difference.
You raise your voices… you will be heard!
Amīna Bagus-du Toit,
My history lesson this week with the grade 11’s was on the Crusades… when it happened, how it happened and why it happened?
I also wanted to draw a parallel between the past and present and for the girls to realise that not many things have changed in the world…that subversive tactics used to wage war or overpower a people are still being used to day.
Contact us
Darun Na’im Academy Girls’ Campus
Tel: 021 761 5331
Mobile: 078 121 0550
Darun Na’im Academy Boys’ Campus
Mobile: 073 578 3356
Bank account
The Darun Na’im Academy
The Standard Bank of SA Ltd
Constantia Branch Code: 00051001
Cheque Account Number: 202 119 157